Here's some useful info on charges for tourist visas and rules & regulations concerning them.
The Indonesian authorities are extremely strict on these issues and don't take them lightly. If you overstay your visa, it will cost you to the tune of around $20 US per day. On top of this you still have to pay the rather annoying 'Departure Tax', which itself is around $15 and, apparently, is only payable in Indonesian Rupiah. For which reason, keep a few bills for the airport on your way home!
Perhaps you should highlight this part of the link above:
ReplyDeleteGeneral All visitors must have a passport valid for at least six months after their arrival date in Indonesia. For special visa listed on our pages there are other rules. Immigration officials reserve the right to deny entry to any visitor who, in their opinion, is not properly dressed or groomed (long hair is okay), lacks the proper funds, or "may endanger the country's security, peace, and stability or the public health and morals." These unfortunate undesirables will receive a transit visa upon arrival that allows them to hang out at the airport until the first available flight out.